Sarah Weaver (STURGESS 1964)

Published July 25th 2020 7:05 pm by

As an old girl, past parent and past board member I have many memories over many years…Here is just one I have picked out…

As a proud Barton House member one of my favourite memories is around house play in 1964.

We presented Thornton Wilder’s “The Happy Journey” and I was cast as Pa (Elmer Kirby). Despite my handling of all the gyrations and stops and starts of our (imaginary) car, I think the acting honours went to my “wife” Ma Kirby – not surprising perhaps as she was played by Pamela Stephenson! Even with her budding talent we had to be content with second place!

Cover of “The Happy Journey” Program

Ah well, it has served me well as a story to tell over the years as my brush with fame! (And at a fundraising dinner many years later I reminded Pamela of our performance and she signed my copy of the script, which I still had.)

Coincidentally, our rehearsal period was during The Beatles’ visit to Sydney and they stayed just up the road in Kings Cross. We did take a few breaks to practice, not our lines, but good teenage girls’ screams of adulation in case we should find ourselves in the vicinity of their hotel. (We never did!)