Garry Lee-Lindsay, Chaplain

Published August 26th 2020 7:58 pm by

There are so many memories to revisit from my time at SCEGGS that it is hard to pick one. Our involvement with Kikandwa Secondary School and Kirugaluga Primary School in Uganda will always be a highlight. The opportunity to build most of the classrooms and other infrastructure there, the enormous amount of students that were being sponsored so that they could have an education and the three expeditions that we took our own students on to visit the projects will always stand firm in my memory. In the 8 years that we were involved I saw a huge impact on our own school’s culture and I was encouraged by our community’s enthusiasm and support.

On the home front, one memory that comes to mind immediately is the school swimming carnival 2017. The weather wasn’t great, but we decided to go ahead with it anyway. A few races happened before it started storming and the rain bucketed down. We returned to school early but had to remain on the premises with hundreds of soaked kids and teachers. We gathered in the sports hall, someone put on the music and that was the beginning of an instant dance party. I will never forget the vibe and excitement in the room on that day. The spontaneity was infectious and many people hoped that it could happen more often.