Airlie MURRAY (2008)

Published July 8th 2020 2:54 pm by

I have the fondest memories from my time at SCEGGS. The laughter and deep connections made both inside and outside the classroom over the years have carried in to our 20s and no doubt, for many decades beyond!

I fondly remember my Duke of Edinburgh experiences with Doric and Miss Bower! Twice a year we would embark on a journey, hiking in exquisite natural environments many of us wouldn’t have seen if it weren’t for the DofE scheme! In the outdoors, some of our deepest connections and memories were formed that we still laugh about 11 years on! We would swim in the rivers, read Cosmopolitan magazine and giggle in our tents at night- when we thought Doric and Miss Bower were asleep and challenge ourselves mentally and physically, forming the foundations of resilience, leadership and personal responsibility and growth.

Oh, and Mr G singing “Man I feel like a woman” in our Year 12 meeting will always be a particularly fond memory for me!