Alison Gowan, Director of Sport

Published July 26th 2020 7:55 pm by

The 2017 (held on February 7) Secondary Swimming Carnival at Drummoyne Pool was certainly very memorable. Despite ominous storm warnings forecast we managed to convince Ms Gyton early in the morning that it would be a great idea to still proceed with the Carnival. By 10am the heavens had opened with torrential rain and gale force winds to end the Carnival. Marquees were spectacularly blown into the pool and staff and students alike were all drenched.

Everyone huddled under what limited cover there was and waited for the buses to arrive to take everyone back to school. It was here the SCEGGS spirit truly came alive with lots of singing and dancing. This continued when everyone arrived back at school and the Sports Hall was turned into a giant dance party while everyone dried off. Many students still refer to this day as the best swimming carnival ever!