Nathalie Wilder and Sophie Hilton, Year 12 2020

Published November 27th 2020 3:59 pm by

Being a part of Maailma for six years, we have had the privilege of seeing our school grow more and more sustainable each year with more initiatives to reduce waste and energy for a happier, healthier planet. From Toasty Tuesday to letter writing and plastic rubbish sculptures to harassing the school with correct ways to recycle, the fact we are celebrating Maailma’s 30 Year Anniversary is surreal, looking back to us as scared little Year 7s sitting in the W building every Wednesday lunch.

Sharing a similar and passionate vision, it brought us closer to the younger and older years we worked with, and we hope that together we’ve been able to contribute in some way to making SCEGGS an even more sustainable place.

A huge thank you to Ms Pizzinga and Ms Zipfinger, for their unwavering support and consistent commitment to the club throughout the years, that have made Maailma what it is today. Without them, the bins would still be in the OG classrooms, the infamous neon green Waste Warriors of Festival on Forbes wouldn’t exist but most importantly, the passionate girls of SCEGGS who have a love for the environment would not have been heard.

By giving us a voice, Maailma was always more than just a club, it was and continues to be an enthusiastic group of girls, all sharing a common goal to lessen our environmental footprint the very best we can. We’ve loved every minute of it.