Sophia DOWNING (2019)

Published January 27th 2020 3:13 pm by

“…Whilst there were definitely some moments that tested and frustrated me, I was driven by my teachers and the SCEGGS community to understand where I had gone wrong and how to use this to work harder… Secondly, a bit about teachers. I know that everyone talks about teachers, but I don’t think that I have enough words to express the difference that they make and all the work that they do behind the scenes as well. They were there via email on the weekends and holidays and never gave up wanting to help, as annoying as I’m sure I was. Up until year 12 I was ranking almost last in my French class with no idea why I was should even be studying it anymore. I tried to quit more times than I can remember but every single one of my teachers encouraged me to keep working and pushing myself, to which French ended up being my top subject in the HSC… I’m not going to lie to you all and say that the HSC was easy, it was one of the toughest years of my life. But I can now honestly stand up here and say that year 12 truly was my best and most rewarding so far, and that I do not have a single regret about any of it.”