Xanthe AXFORD (2006)

Published July 26th 2020 6:41 pm by

As a student years ago, and now as a staff member, a significant representation of the SCEGGS legacy for me has always been the uniform, and more specifically the SCEGGS ribbon. How such a small element can easily be forgotten at times but also very much treasured by SCEGGS girls throughout the years. The feeling of being welcomed into the school community when wearing the SCEGGS uniform on the first day at school, immediately being united with everyone around you. Hair tied back, adorned with a navy ribbon, then noticing groups of older girls wearing white ribbons and trying to understand what it must mean. The sudden acknowledgement of this rite of passage.

Fun Day for the Class of 2006

Then, years later the excitement of wearing the white ribbon for the first time, like the first day of school all over again except there is a new sense of maturity and responsibility that comes with the senior years of SCEGGS school life. Exchanging previous jumpers and ties for new items, all including the addition of a red stripe to represent girls journeying into their senior years.

Similarly, the sense of unity can be seen on the occasion where a student may forget her ribbon. It would be remiss of a SCEGGS girl to let her friend receive a penalty point for this forgetful occurrence, so what better way to show that you have your friend’s back (and hair), than by trimming a portion of your own ribbon to share with this friend. Problem solved and the harmony behind the green gate continues.

The ribbon was, and still is to me as a SCEGGS Old Girl, a treasure.