Anne Titterton, Retired as Deputy Head at the end of 2011

Published June 26th 2020 6:32 pm by

So many wonderful memories of my 29 years at SCEGGS as a teaching staff member within the Social Sciences Department and, later, as Deputy Head of School.

Walking through the Green Gate each day brought a palpable sense of the heart that is SCEGGS and that remains etched clearly today.

Genuine warmth, respect and care for the individual, purpose, endeavour, collegiality, and all underpinned by humour and an irrepressible spirit, described each day.

The well-known catch-cry, “It’s never dull at Darlo”, could not have been more apt! Among some personal favourites are being asked by Miss Bowman in my second year as Deputy Head to organise camel racing along Forbes Street as a feature activity for the Centenary Year fair (no problem!).

The wonderful 1995 Centenary year school assembly, marking both Miss Bowman’s retirement and the surprise presentation of the magnificent Centenary Quilt, was memorable.

The quilt remained furled above the stage until Miss Bowman worked out the clues provided leading to the lowering of the quilt. Can you imagine the excitement in the Assembly Hall! A very happy memory, too, was the surprise presentation to Ms Allum at Assembly of a beautifully worked small timber box with a clear SCEGGS connection that has been located and ‘rescued’ from an online auction fate. Ms Allum would admit to not being a fan of surprises, but we know she DID like this one!