Juliet Schmidt (SKIPPER 1982)

Published July 25th 2020 3:00 pm by

15.08.1981 to 16.09.1981

17 girls – years 10, 11 and maybe 12

1 brother of a SCEGGS girl

3 teachers – Diana Bowman, Jo Karolis, Marina Comino

Visited Athens, Peloponnese and Greek Islands.  This was an Ancient History trip (but many girls weren’t doing Ancient History).

Special memories:

We all have very fond memories of our trip and the wonderful teachers who escorted us…We have recently gone over our cherished travel diaries and reflected on the fun we had and also the free time we were given to explore on our own!  

The teachers were relaxed on our trip and Miss Bowman (our Headmistress) embraced the fun we all had in Greece and all her experiences. A diary entry reminded us of her table tennis abilities in a Kalamata hotel when we played “continuous ping pong”. She had us all in hysterics.

On 21.08.1981 we were in Naufplion (Peloponnese) on the Argolic Gulf and it was a stinking hot day. We were all regretting that we didn’t have our swimmers. Our group were waiting on a wharf and really feeling the heat.  Mrs Comino decided to bribe Miss Bowman  2 drachma to jump in the sea fully clothed. She never thought she would jump, but Miss Bowman was such a fun loving person and she dived in within seconds and Mrs Comino lost the bet. We all thougt it was fantastic to see our Principal (headmistress) Miss Bowman jump in with the biggest smile on her face and then come back out dripping wet and beaming from ear to ear!