Inga Scarlett, Head of Drama, 2004 – 2018

Published July 26th 2020 8:12 pm by

We’ve always been resourceful at SCEGGS in using performance spaces for our plays and musicals. We have to be, it’s a small school! The old Assembly Hall was home to some great school productions. The musical “Les Miserables” in 2008 showed just how ingenious we were in transforming that humble stage into revolutionary Paris! St Read more

Jan Morice, Teacher

Published July 26th 2020 8:07 pm by

The Hippie School Teacher of the 1970s In 1972 I had a mass of long black curly hair, a lot of Mexican embroidered dresses, wore stilettos or high boots to school every day, and smoked Kool cigarettes in the staffroom with the other teachers at every opportunity. The Vietnam war was almost over, Gough Whitlam Read more

Maevie McAVOY (2012)

Published July 26th 2020 8:05 pm by

These photos were taken during the hilarious Year 10 Art Walk where we meandered down the back streets of SCEGGS to William St, parading our larger than life papier-mâché characters. Mine was the fat American! Funnily enough my character, the American tourist (double chin, Bermuda shorts, socks and sandals) still lives in my room above Read more

Alison Gowan, Director of Sport

Published July 26th 2020 7:55 pm by

The 2017 (held on February 7) Secondary Swimming Carnival at Drummoyne Pool was certainly very memorable. Despite ominous storm warnings forecast we managed to convince Ms Gyton early in the morning that it would be a great idea to still proceed with the Carnival. By 10am the heavens had opened with torrential rain and gale Read more

Cassandra Davies, Year 7 Student

Published July 26th 2020 12:52 pm by

My favourite SCEGGS memory was my first Athletics Carnival. I remember the excitement that all my year felt as it was the first Inter-House Event that we had been to. I still remember all the different races, one being a plum on plate race! I remember seeing all the older girls cheering from the stands Read more