Helen Campbell (MAY 1949)

Published October 30th 2020 7:25 pm by

My Globite suitcase and I started School at SCEGGS in 1937 when I was five years old. Receiving a new uniform and a grown-up suitcase was very exciting. When my suitcase was new, all it contained was my play lunch of fruit or a biscuit and my lunch, which was always a cheese and lettuce Read more

Our first science laboratory

Published September 30th 2020 7:28 pm by

When SCEGGS was founded, the study of Science in Australian schools was in its infancy, but soon became an accepted part of the SCEGGS curriculum. Classes in Botany, Geology, Astronomy, or other Scientific Subjects will be formed, when practicable, for pupils who have reached a fair standard of proficiency in the ordinary subjects. (SCEGGS Prospectus, Read more

Nicky Rowan

Published July 26th 2020 7:49 pm by

Happy birthday, SCEGGS. It was also my mother’s birthday. She taught for many years at Moss Vale and Darlinghurst and would have been 100 years old today.

Girl Guides

Published June 30th 2020 7:16 pm by

Girl Guides 1a Darlinghurst (SCEGGS) Company was founded in 1921 and was one of the first registered Girl Guide Companies in NSW.  In 1921 the Company leader, Miss Levy, took the girls on their first outing to Fairy Bower in Manly, where they had tracking games, cooked ‘very raw black chops’ and passed fire lighting.  Read more