Juliet Schmidt (SKIPPER 1982)

Published July 25th 2020 3:00 pm by

15.08.1981 to 16.09.1981 17 girls – years 10, 11 and maybe 12 1 brother of a SCEGGS girl 3 teachers – Diana Bowman, Jo Karolis, Marina Comino Visited Athens, Peloponnese and Greek Islands.  This was an Ancient History trip (but many girls weren’t doing Ancient History). Special memories: We all have very fond memories of Read more

Dr Jillian WELLS (1990)

Published June 25th 2020 7:23 pm by

I was so thrilled that my daughter Julia has the opportunity of being taught Maths by Mr Blinman just like I did when I was a student at SCEGGS. This photo is of our Year 12 4-unit Maths class in 1990 and the other photo of Mr Blinman and I last year. I am so Read more