Uniform Parades

Published November 30th 2020 7:22 pm by

The School’s first uniform was the height of 1890s fashion: a blue serge skirt, with striped blue and white print blouse, or for summer, an entire dress of blue and white striped prints. The current uniform contains echoes of this design in the choice of the colour blue and the stripes in the Primary School Read more

Helen Campbell (MAY 1949)

Published October 30th 2020 7:25 pm by

My Globite suitcase and I started School at SCEGGS in 1937 when I was five years old. Receiving a new uniform and a grown-up suitcase was very exciting. When my suitcase was new, all it contained was my play lunch of fruit or a biscuit and my lunch, which was always a cheese and lettuce Read more